Guazzoni continues to pollute our community with lies Note: This letter from attorney Sean Madden responds to an earlier edition of the story “Lawsuits pile up as Tuxedo Park... Letters to the Editor 11 Jul 2023 | 11:09
Uprising against Orange County IDA To the editor: Elected officials sent this letter to the Orange County Industrial Development Agency: Dear IDA Board: While... Letters to the Editor 06 Sep 2022 | 10:16
Geese culling concerns Dear Editor: I read the article in last week’s Photo News reporting on the recent meeting in the Village of Tuxedo Park regarding... Letters to the Editor 03 Aug 2022 | 09:12
The Tuxedo Park Police Booth in 1976. Photo provided by retired Chief of Police Bill Bortnowsky via the Village of Tuxedo Park. Tuxedo Park. ‘Like a fine wine, things improve with time...’ Tuxedo Park Mayor David C. McFadden shared the following note this weekend from retired Chief of Police Bill Bortnowsky: Local News 10 Oct 2021 | 03:40
‘The voters in Tuxedo Park will play a decisive role in this year’s (town) election’ This is an open letter from David McFadden, the mayor of the Village of Tuxedo Park, to the Tuxedo Town Council candidates... Letters to the Editor 05 Oct 2021 | 03:15
Photos by Jill Swirbul. Tuxedo Park. Mayor provides an update on the installation of the booth at the park’s front gate Village of Tuxedo Park Mayor David McFadden issued the following installation update just prior to the Fourth of July weekend:... Local News 04 Jul 2021 | 03:21
Michael R. Coleman: ‘The straight edge outsider candidate’ in the Tuxedo Park Village election My goal is to make Mayor McFadden the best mayor Tuxedo Park has ever had. He cannot do this on his own; he will need help... Letters to the Editor 16 May 2021 | 03:14
Harriman and Tuxedo Park seek public comment on their draft reports for the state-mandated ‘reinvention’ of their police department The villages of Harriman and Tuxedo Park are soliciting public views on draft reports prepared to meet a state mandate for... Local News 02 Mar 2021 | 10:52
Municipalities holding public forums on police reforms The deadline for submitting police reform plans to the state is April 1. Before that there will be a public hearing and a... Local News 05 Jan 2021 | 07:24
Mayor Mac: ‘Debbie Matthews ‘is now part of the long and rich history of Tuxedo Park’ Debbie Matthews, the Clerk-Treasurer for the Village of Tuxedo Park, is retiring from her daily activities Friday. Thanks... Letters to the Editor 30 Nov 2020 | 07:40
John Bishko John Bishko passed away peacefully in his home in Tuxedo on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020. He was 75 years old. The son of Michael... Obituaries 11 Oct 2020 | 06:30
Village Elections: Sept. 15 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order No. 202.26, which postponed all village elections... Local News 02 Sep 2020 | 02:55