Pictured from left to right at Monday’s Warwick Village Board meeting are: Village Clerk Raina Abramson, Trustee Thomas McKnight, Trustee Mary Collura, Mayor Michael Newhard and Trustee Barry Cheney. Photo by Gail B. Hoffer-Loibl. Municipal officials seek state funding to foster greater connectivity between their communities Seeking to revitalize their individual municipalities and to foster greater connectivity between their communities, the villages... Local News 23 Aug 2023 | 10:43
Pictured from left to right at a previous Rumshock Veterans Foundation dinner are: Village of Warwick Mayor Michael Newhard; Village of Florida Mayor Dan Harter Jr.; Mid-Hudson News Publisher Mike Martucci; David Rabbitts, former Legislative Director for James Skoufis; Assemblyman Karl Brabenec; the Greenwood Lake Mayor (and Town of Warwick Supervisor candidate) Jesse Dwyer; and Warwick Town Supervisor Mike Sweeton. Photo by Peter Lyons Hall. Fundraiser set for Sept. 19 to build affordable housing for veterans Several elected officials in the lower Hudson Valley region will serve dinner to guests at an upcoming fundraising event... Local News 20 Aug 2023 | 07:29
Seated is Virginia Mazza, the co-founder of Winslow. Standing from left to right are: Denyele Urciuoli (CLC Foundation), Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweetman, Susan Ferro (Winslow,), Nicole Ferro (Winslow), Mayor Michael J. Newhard, David Woglom (Woglom Construction, President), Christopher JP Collins (CJPC Architect) and Bonnie Woglom (Woglom Construction, VP). Photos by Luz P. Lopez. Warwick. Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center breaks ground for expanded facilities Members of the community, including local business owners, local officials and Winslow’s clients and volunteers, attended... Local News 10 May 2023 | 02:44
Beware of ‘porch pirates’ and other thieves Officials from local police departments once again are warning residents to guard against theft during the holiday season... Local News 21 Dec 2022 | 02:24
Photo credit: Peter Lyons Hall#1590: Assemblyman Karl Brabenec offers fresh ground pepper to dinner guest. Elected officials wait tables for veteran housing fundraiser Seven elected officials in the lower Hudson Valley region served dinner to guests at a recent fundraising event for veterans... Home 12 Dec 2022 | 11:56
We must eliminate the filibuster In his first few months as Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell has given us a preview of how Republicans will behave... Letters to the Editor 22 Feb 2021 | 04:13
What? Renewable energy caused the Texas power failure? What? The renewable energy systems on the Texas grid caused the power failure? As an energy and climate scientist for many... Letters to the Editor 21 Feb 2021 | 05:59
A discussion, via Zoom, of Susan Vreeland’s bestselling novel, “Clara and Mr. Tiffany,” on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 6 p.m. Zoom. Albert Wisner Public Library announces upcoming virtual programs Albert Wisner Public Library has announced two virtual program in February: The Abrahamic Religions of Orange County Thursday,... Entertainment 01 Feb 2021 | 03:31
On Sunday, Nov. 8, Beautiful People, Orange County’s largest adaptive youth sports league, held its annual Fall Fun Walk, Run and Roll at the Town of Warwick Wickham Woodlands Park. Photo provided by Jeremy Zweig. Beautiful People reports record participation at 2020 fun walk, run and roll 5K On Sunday, Nov. 8, Beautiful People, Orange County’s largest adaptive youth sports league, held its annual Fall Fun Walk,... Local News 10 Nov 2020 | 02:38
Senator Metzger presenting $250,000 in state funding to the Town of Warwick to purchase hemp trimming and testing equipment to rent to farmers, reducing the costs to local farms of diversifying into this high-value commodity. Left to right: Assemblyman Karl Brabenec, Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Senator Jen Metzger and Orange County IDA CEO Laurie Villasuso. Provided photo. Major developments just announced for Warwick’s Cannabidiol Industry On Tuesday, Oct. 27, State Senator Jen Metzger joined Town of Warwick Supervisor Mike Sweeton, farmer Mark Rogowski, Orange... Local News 28 Oct 2020 | 10:32
Track 7 Postal Center owner Eileen Patterson suspected something was amiss regarding a nervous customer who came to her store to ship a package. She called the Warwick Police Department, who discovered the customer was being scammed. Photo by Linda Smith Hancharick. Scams target seniors The phone rings. It’s your granddaughter who is away at college. She is upset. She’s been in an accident and needs money... Local News 12 Oct 2020 | 07:42
Jen Metzger works to support our health Our area is suffering with two major health crises — opioid addiction and the COVID-19 pandemic. In her first term, State... Letters to the Editor 06 Oct 2020 | 01:11
Do you do your own grocery shopping? Then why not vote in-person? Keep six feet apart?... Letters to the Editor 08 Sep 2020 | 07:36