Vote, even if the candidate is unopposed

| 23 Feb 2012 | 03:39

    When Mayor Jim Purcell appointed Frank Eppinger to fill his unexpired term as Village Trustee he was fortunate in choosing a man who turned out to be a selfless dedicated public servant. Frank has spent countless hours pouring over department budgets and contracts in an effort to contain and reduce costs during these difficult times. For Frank Eppinger there are no sacred cows, and he has scrupulously examined various budgets for savings to keep our taxes from rising. Even though Frank is running unopposed, for village trustee, I urge the voters in the village of Monroe not to be complacent and stay home. There have been occasions where a good qualified unopposed candidate has been defeated by a write in candidate whose agenda was unknown. Once again, I urge the voters of the village Once again, I urge the voters of the village Carl Stora Monroe