'Public sector unions are not responsible for budget failures'
I’d like to take this opportunity to applaud the actions of the Monroe Town Board for passing a resolution supporting collective bargaining. Unions and collective bargaining have helped preserve the middle class even for non-union members. Collective bargaining is an American right, not a Democratic or Republican political agenda. Unions reflect the same values that our nation, a union of states, reflected until recently. The actions of those politicians in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana are un-American and a perfect example of how politicians are accepting the blame for running their states into the ground. The budget shortfalls of the states are do to the failure of those politicians to properly perform their duties. Instead of governing, they have chosen to advance each of their respective parties agenda. Public sector employees or their unions are not responsible for these budget failures. Thank you, Monroe Town Board. Marty DeRosa, Monroe President, Westchester Correction Retiree’s Association