'We need a new mayor who ... cares about what happens to us and our home, the village'

| 17 Mar 2018 | 10:42

    My name is Bonnie Franson. I am a professional environmental planner who has lived in the older “heart of” the Village of Monroe for close to 20 years and I am submitting this letter in strong and full support of Neil Dwyer to be the next mayor of Monroe.
    I know Neil, I have worked with him on village matters and I know that he has the integrity, intelligence, common sense and experience to be an effective, fair and strong mayor. Neil is not seeking the mayoral position as a mere stepping stone to higher political office – his focus is singly on the Village of Monroe. It is very important to me to know what a candidate stands for - Neil and his running mates have outlined the Smart Growth Party platform that sets a vision and direction for the village that I can support - a vision which protects and promotes the village’s quality of life. No other candidate has outlined a platform or position on any matter affecting the Village. Neil, on the other hand, has taken his experience as a trustee for the village to identify the areas he believes need improvement to move the village forward in the right direction. Neil and his running mates have put together a plan that makes sense.
    Neil has been able to do this not just because he’s smart and cares about the village, but because he listens to me and to all of his constituents. I and others were able to discuss our concerns with Neil about the proposed zoning and comprehensive drafts that had been forwarded to the Village Board by an internal village working group. That plan called for dense multifamily zoning along North Main Street, and the complete removal of the protections for environmentally sensitive watercourses and floodplains in the village. Neil heard our concerns and stopped the proposals which would only have served developers and not the residents in the North Main Street neighborhood, us or the village. That helped stop undesirable growth, but there is much more work to be done. We need to elect Neil as Mayor to make sure the village’s land use regulations reflect the consensus and vision of the people who live here. Neil, and the Smart Growth Party, will make sure that happens – now.
    Another example of Neil’s commitment to the village is the fact that he has been working to ensure that the developer of the Roscoe Smith property preserves the house and its important historic grounds for the village. The Roscoe Smith property, one of the most important historic places that uniquely makes us “uniquely Monroe” – does not deserve to be torn down so that a developer can build a couple more houses. Neil understands that.
    Those are just a few reasons why I am voting for Neil. We need a new mayor who listens to us and cares about what happens to us and our home, the village. Finally, on a much more personal note, Neil was there to help my family when my dad passed away last year – his kind and good-hearted soul always finds ways to be supportive. Please join me and vote for Neil for mayor.
    Bonnie Franson