'We must vote for leadership that is for our community'

| 26 Oct 2017 | 01:41

    With the upcoming election, we must confront these issues when considering our vote on November 7th, 2017. Please remember:
    • Supervisor Sutz tried to pass the 9 million dollar project without public input;
    • Our Police Department was under staffed by more then five police officers and three supervisors for close to two years;
    • The library was without a director for a long period of time;
    • Supervisor Sutz stated: "We lower taxes with no service cuts" yet many positions went unfilled until recently;
    • The Village Planning Board allowed for KJ to build a water pump house at 14 Ridge Road;
    • The Village Planning Board allowed for Town of Woodbury's first shul.
    These are decisions that were made that can and will have a impact on our community's future.
    We must vote for leadership that is for our community. Vote Row A.
    Rey Hernandez
    Concerned Republican in Woodbury