Tim Mitts is the perfect surprise candidate to save Monroe

Monroe /
| 05 Oct 2023 | 01:50

    To the Editor:

    I have know Mr. Mitts from his comments and what he has done in our community. It is my opinion that Mr. Mitts is a great candidate as a write-in alternative to any of the Republican candidates for Monroe Town Board.

    He has shown great inspiration to preserving Monroe by his success with Rest Haven. He has further continued his belief in Monroe by his current endeavors at Pine Crest Bungalow Colony.

    I don’t believe that any of the other Republican candidates can do for the town of Monroe what Mr. Mitts has done without being a politician. I think he’s a perfect surprise candidate in this upcoming election to give the power of our community back to its people, not special interest groups.

    I believe that Mr. Mitts is the answer to saving Monroe. He is not in it for the money. He is in it for the community.

    Joan Schurer
