Supporting Sandy Capriglione's election to Woodbury Town Board

| 26 Oct 2017 | 01:41

    As Woodbury’s former County Legislator for 16 years, it is my pleasure to write this letter in support of Sandy Capriglione’s candidacy for Woodbury Town Board.
    I met Sandy in 2001 when she contacted me about volunteering for my first re-election campaign. As a Woodbury resident since the early eighties and someone who was active in her local government and community, she was an invaluable resource as she knew the history of and the challenges facing the town.
    In each and every campaign going forward, she poured her heart and soul into helping me protect and improve Woodbury.
    She spent countless hours over the years researching issues, developing strategies, attending meetings and speaking out on behalf of Woodbury.
    Sandy, together with a handful of other residents were the behind the scenes workers who would never give up, often brainstorming with me late into the night.
    Her commitment to the town she calls home is genuine, and has always been guided by her desire to do the right thing for family, friends and the community.
    I am confident by electing Sandy Capriglione to the Woodbury Town Board, you will have someone who you may depend on to listen, understand and be a strong advocate for Woodbury.
    Roxanne Donnery
    Highland Falls