Mayor Michael Queenan: 'Vote for the experienced and proven candidates'

| 12 Oct 2017 | 05:42

    I am the current mayor of the Village of Woodbury. I am seeking a fifth term as your mayor so that I may continue the honor of serving Woodbury.
    I have served Woodbury for the past 16 years in one capacity or another. Whether Planning Board (chairman), Town Councilman or mayor, I’ve always had a strong sense of obligation to protect Woodbury.
    I will stay the course in protecting Woodbury’s rights, resources and boundaries.
    I will continue to ensure a fiscally responsible and accountable village government.
    I will pursue attracting desirable businesses, to help subsidize the tax levy of our residents and provide jobs.
    I’ll continue to work closely with NYS DOT to make sure timely information is provided to our residents concerning the Exit 131 Project.
    A $3.5 million water and sewer improvement project was begun throughout the Village to provide quality water and sewer to Woodbury and avoid major problems and/or DEC fines. Our newly constructed wells are on line and we have already started developing additional well sites to expand our water resources.
    We initiated a four-to-five year project transitioning to LED street lighting; renegotiated a new agreement locking in reduced energy costs for electric.
    For several years, I’ve been involved with a group of municipal leaders that meet regularly to address regional issues including sewerage. This allows me to strongly protect Woodbury’s interests in Orange County’s Sewer District’s expansion meetings.
    My years of governmental experience is an asset for handling the present and future challenges to Woodbury.
    Our Village needs experienced, dedicated and capable leaders who want to be part of the solution. My trustees Thomas Flood and Timothy Egan and I pledge to work toward a transparent and fiscally responsible Village Government.
    Our goal is to maintain a dependable infrastructure while minimizing the tax impact.
    We continue to work on increasing ratables without impacting schools or straining our current resources.
    We strive to improve the quality of life for the residents of Woodbury.
    I am asking for your support, so please come out on November 7th and vote to re-elect Michael Queenan as mayor and Timothy Egan and Thomas Flood as trustees.
    In challenging times, it is important to vote for the experienced and proven candidates that have always put the interest of Woodbury first. My team appreciates your support.
    Mayor Michael Queenan