Young poet wins Monroe Free Library's first teen creative writing contest

| 22 Feb 2012 | 04:54

Monroe - Chloe Parrella, a Monroe-Woodbury eighth grader, is the winner of the Monroe Free Library’s first teen creative writing contest. The prize was a $25 gift card. The contest was judged by library staff. Entries were 500 words or less and related to a memory and a smell. Jessica Gonzalez-Wu won the contest’s honorable mention for an original short story. Teens who want to make sure they don’t miss future contests and events can sign up for the mailing list at the library’s Web site:

This is the full text of Chloe Parrella’s winning poem:
I walk into the store and I catch the scent of cookies baking. I think of my dad and his amazing chocolate chip cookies He would spend the afternoon cracking eggs and adding flour He would beat and measure and pour and stir until the batter was gone or eaten! We always love it when he bakes his famous chocolate chip cookies.