Words to live by: Mom's advice
In honor of Mother's Day this Sunday, we asked a variety of people in and out of public life what was the best advice their mothers ever gave them. People like Alice Ryan of Monroe, a member of Sacred Heart Church and Court Mary Margaret 768 of the Catholic Daughters, said the advice she got from her mother was this: "Let the sun shine on good things and when bad things happen to you, you don't let them cloud a sunny day." Likewise, Julie Agapito, also a parishioner at Sacred Heart in Monroe and the state regent for the Catholic Daughters, said her mother instilled the following: "To continue in my religion that she brought me up in and be fair and just to all of your fellow huiman beings." Elsewhere on this page, you'll find the maternal advice dispense to sons and a daughter some years ago. We need no advice for the following: To all the women who have raised children, be they their own or those who fell into their care, "Happy Mother's Day." Don't treat anyone different than you would want to be treated. Tuxedo Town Supervisor Kenneth Magar Don't let anyone ever bully you and stick up for your beliefs. Town of Tuxedo Police Chief Daniel Carlin "Make sure you marry for love, not for money. I think this advice has worked out very well considering my 40 year wedding anniversary is this June. Monroe Town Supervisor Sandy Leonard Be a good person in terms of others and not just consider yourself. Monroe Village Mayor Joseph Mancuso Be truthful, honest and respectful of other people and their property. Harriman Village Mayor Stephen H. Welle