What's your favorite Christmas memory?

There’s only two weeks left until Christmas, and everyone is most certainly getting ready to put the final touches on creating what will hopefully be the best holiday season ever. And don’t forget the little ones are making their best efforts to ensure they stay on Santa’s “nice list.” As those gifts continue to be purchased, cookies baked, trees decorated, food items collected to give to area food pantries, or toys wrapped to give to children who might not receive any, perhaps this holiday season finds you thinking about memorable Christmases of yesteryear, whether they were decades ago or just two years prior. In the spirit of the season, The Photo News is looking to share your Christmas memories with our readers. Perhaps your favorite Christmas memory was the year your grandmother from far away visited? Or a new baby was born? Or, your loved one serving in the military surprised you with a special visit? Or, was there a memorable Christmas where Santa brought you that totally cool toy, that everyone had and you wanted too? Maybe it was how you felt the first time you saw your child sit on Santa’s lap? Maybe you became engaged? Perhaps you did a good deed to help someone in need? Christmas memories are as varied and unique as our readers are. Sharing them with others is yet another way to celebrate the holiday season while showing that while we are all different, we are all very much alike. And, we want photos too, like this photo of Santa ... with his unique facial hair, red bathrobe, skull cap, rubber work boots, and what looks to be someone’s white cashmere gloves paying a visit to these children’s home. We all know Santa’s like that, for certain. Simply e-mail your memories to: editor.pn@strausnews.com by Monday, Dec. 20. We’ll publish a selection in our Christmas Eve edition that Friday. We ask they be no longer than a few paragraphs and include your name and daytime contact information. We know you may have to scan some of those really old photos ,too, and they should be sent to us as in a .jpg file and named using your last name, first name. We look forward to hearing from you.