Village to owner of former 17M bar and restaurant: Last call

| 22 Feb 2012 | 05:21

    MONROE - Village Building Inspector Jay Wilkins has given the owner of the former McMinnion’s restaurant and bar notice to either fix up the place or tear it down. Wilkins has declared the closed building a neighborhood blight and potential hazard to public health and safety. Neighbors say it is basically falling down. The Route 17M establishment, across from Federal Plaza, has changed hands several times over the years from its most recognizable name, The Gables, to Weepin’ Willoby’s. The boarded-up 91-year old structure has been closed for several years. Trailers advertising a new moniker for the restaurant are parked in front of the building, giving the impression it would soon re-open. Elsa Lenza, along with her late husband Carl, operated the Gables back in the 1960’s when it was a small bar and deli. She is still the owner of record. The Village of Monroe’s attorney had been authorized to institute proceedings because he said Elsa Lenza has failed to respond to the village’s request to remedy what they contend are unsightly and unsafe conditions and the structure is degrading surrounding properties. Wilkins said communication between Lenza and the village is now ongoing regarding what course of action the owner will take. - Claudia Wysocki