Stone walls do not a prison make ...

| 22 Feb 2012 | 01:27

... Photo by Richard Wawrynek Apparently not, at least for this creature of the wild. Katherine and Richard Wawrynek of Second Avenue in Monroe shared this photograph of a bear making its way along a recently constructed 175-foot-long, 3.5-foot-high stone wall that separates their property from the Mansion Ridge Golf Course. Richard Wawrynek reported that he was first noticed the bear upon hearing the neighborhood dogs barking far more than usual. The bear was helping itself to the bird seed from a feeder in his backyard. When the feeder was empty, the bear discarded it and then climbed atop the wall. The animal was in no apparent rush, as it strolled down its length in a leisurely way, gingerly hopped off and then made its way into the woods behind the golf course. Wawrynek took the photograph from “about 50 feet away on my deck being guarded by my six-pound Yorkie, Cosette.” Brave dog.