St. Luke's has first 'Skype ' birth

Cornwall St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital recently assisted a Newburgh woman by “skypeing” the birth of her son to her husband stationed in Korea. When Kimberly Tennant arrived at the hospital on Jan. 18 for the birth of her first child, she had one request: could she Skype the birth to husband Matthew, who is currently stationed in Korea as a captain in the U.S. Army? With the cooperation of her doctor, midwife and the hospital’s IT Department, the couple was “together” for the birth of Jackson Matthew Tennant. Twenty hours after arriving at SLCH, Matthew Tennant was there “live” on the computer screen, encouraging his wife throughout the labor. The nurses chatted with him like he was in the room. Tennant has been stationed in Korea since last September, and plans to return home for one month in April to see his son.