Monroe scout blazes trail in town park

Monroe - Troop 440 Scout Anthony Petito Jr. recently completed his Eagle Scout project, which was to enhance and blaze a trail at the new Mombasha Park in the Town of Monroe. He said the idea was suggested by Monroe Town Councilman Harley Doles; support followed from Monroe Supervisor Sandy Leonard and Council Jim Rogers. Here is Petito’s account of the project: “I took this grass overgrown area of about 2,800 feet by 3 feet wide and transformed it into a pathway with benches, distance markers with mileage designations and map stands. Twenty-five scouts participated as well as 20 adults consisting of leaders and scout mothers. Everyone worked long hours and put their best feet forward, completing this task in just two days: Saturday, Nov. 6: 178 man hours; Sunday, Nov. 7: 125 man hours. We cleared logs, removed debris, marked the trail, leveled the trail with peas-stone gravel (donated by the Town of Monroe Highway Department), relocated stones and bridged a drainage area for easy traversing passed scenic wetlands. A special “Thanks” to “Mike from Ridge Supply Corporation of Chestnut Ridge for donating all the decking, posts and lumber for my project. The project will improve the community because it will increase traffic to the site during off-peak hours and days. This will be a short trail for parents/families with small children who will be able to utilize the park while older children are playing soccer or baseball. There is a strong possibility this trail will be dedicated “To Whose Who Have Served” (Soldiers, police, firemen and EMS). This a quiet place to reflect and remember all the people who have “Served Our Community” to make it a better place for all.”