Monroe Fire District Emergency call summary for March 6-12
March 6 7:44 a.m. Motor Vehicle Accident Spring Street March 6 12:54 p.m. Motor Vehicle Accident Mine Road March 6 6:13 p.m. Automatic Response: MVA - Chester FD March 6 9:09 p.m. Electrical Fire Winchester Drive March 6 10:18 p.m. Gas Leak Rye Hill Road March 7 12:40 p.m. Motor Vehicle Accident State Route 17M March 7 4:49 p.m. Mutual Aid - Structure Fire - Tuxedo FD March 7 7:52 p.m. Automatic Alarm Pine Tree Road March 8 4:10 p.m. Motor Vehicle Accident State Route 17M March 9 7:03 a.m. Motor Vehicle Accident State Route 17 East March 9 10:23 a.m. Automatic Alarm Pine Tree Road March 11 7:48 a.m. Smoke Investigation Woodcock Road March 11 7:50 a.m. Motor Vehicle Accident State Route 208 March 12 2:22 a.m. Automatic Response: MVA - Chester FD Editor’s note: In addition to these calls, firefighter in Monroe responded to about 20 flood-related water emergencies on March 6 and 7. Monroe firefighters turned out again on March 11 and 12 in response to another 15 water-related emergency calls.