Woodbury’s Independence Day celebration secured
Woodbury. The contract was signed at the town board’s April 18 meeting.

Concerns over public safety prompted the town of Woodbury to examine insurance issues regarding the use of fireworks during its Independence Day celebration.
During the April 18 Woodbury Town Board meeting, the board of trustees addressed a concern over whether there was sufficient insurance to cover the town during the fireworks portion of the celebration. Supervisor Kathryn Luciani confirmed that although the fireworks contractor did provide insurance, the town attorney felt having additional insurance from the town of Woodbury would provide more sufficient coverage for the event.
With the insurance matter resolved, the town board was able to approve the signing of the contract with the fireworks provider, ensuring that the show can go on as planned.
Town of Woodbury Parks and Recreation Director Joseph Gianzero thanked the board for their effort in resolving the fireworks issue.
“It was a long process and I was getting nervous that we are not going to have it,” said Gianzero, adding that he was glad things can move forward. “We have a really big day planned.”
In other safety matters, the Town of Woodbury approved proposals from Strategem Security to enhance the security of Woodbury Town Hall and other municipal properties. Strategem Security will provide the town with new back-up cellular communicators at seven locations including the Town Hall, community center, courthouse, senior center, and animal shelter. The purpose of these communicators is to provide another form of security communication if internet connection is lost. Strategem will also provide Woodbury Town Hall with a new security camera and an additional panic button.
Other business
During the meeting, the board held a public hearing to entertain ideas for possible grant submissions to Orange County’s Community Development grant program. Maria Hunter, a resident of Highland Mills who also serves as the town’s chair of the beautification committee, suggested better paving for areas around Woodbury, including the animal shelter and in front of the library in Highland Mills.
In financial matters, the board authorized the town police department to use the remainder of a multi-year grant from the New York State Division of Security and Emergency Services. The board approved the police department’s use of the remaining $51,892 of a $75,000 grant awarded in 2021. This will enable the department to begin to schedule training. In addition, the town is advertising for bids for fuel oil, bulk chlorine, and propane.