Weichert, Realtors’ Monroe office joins forces with Monroe PBA for holiday toy drive
| 19 Jan 2018 | 04:18

Provided photo Heather Laurencell, processing manager for Weichert’s Monroe office (second from left), and Weichert sales associate Stephanie Dolan-DeLeon are joined by officers Timothy Young (left) and Anthony Grosso from the Monroe Police Department with the toys they collected for local children and families in need this past holiday season.
MONROE — John Chewens, manager of Weichert, Realtors’ Monroe office, announced that his office once again partnered with the Monroe Police Department to collect toys to assist families and children in need this holiday season.
The effort was part of the 39th annual Weichert toy drive.
“This was our way of giving back to the community that has given us so much,” Chewens said. “The holidays mark a time of year when charitable organizations receive their greatest demand for assistance. We hope that through this drive we were able to bring joy to many deserving families.”
To learn about the real estate services offered by Weichert, Realtors, contact Weichert’s Monroe office at 215 Larkin Drive, or call 845 782-4646 for more information.