The race for Tuxedo Supervisor
Tuxedo. Democrat Ken English and Republican Dan Castricone seek the top municipal job in the Town of Tuxedo.

Incumbent Tuxedo Town Supervisor Ken English is being challenged by Dan Castricone in next Tuesday’s General Election.
The Photo News asked each candidate these questions:
1. Personal information. I.E. job, community service, some people include their families, etc.
2. Why are you running for office and why should people vote for you?
3. What is the most critical issue before the town or village and what can be done about it?
Here are their responses:
Dan Castricone
I’ve been honored to serve Tuxedo as a County Legislator, School Board President, Zoning Board member, Town Councilman and Deputy Town Supervisor.
Tuxedo is where I’ve raised my family, served as an attorney, small business owner, scout leader and little league coach for the past 25 years.
I’ve grave concerns about the Town’s current leadership and direction.
I’ve seen poor budgeting, punitive fee increases levied on our neighbors, strife between our first responders and the administration, 100 percent pay raises for some elected officials while valued town employees have been treated with disdain.
Recent articles about Tuxedo Reserve/Farms concern me. We need the Reserve to build. We need growth but it must be smart growth. We need leaders who can see past tomorrow, ask hard questions about huge structures not originally contemplated in the special permit and gain an iron clad assurance that property designated for Tuxedo School District isn’t used for high density housing.
We need the project built. We can partner and negotiate on adjustments for Tuxedo Farms but we cannot sacrifice our vision of what we want the project to be. Experienced leadership is critical for us right now. I ask your trust and support on November 2nd.
Ken English
Tuxedo Town Supervisor since January 2020, Councilperson 2018-1019. 25 years Education Director New York Public Library, retired to serve Tuxedo.
Tuxedo needs a full-time Supervisor. The long stalled Tuxedo Farms Development must move forward. The old sewer plant that services 260+ homes needs to be replaced immediately. Town property in Sterling Forest must be cleaned up, DEC orders. I’m moving all of these forward. Fund balances continue to grow, resident taxes are down significantly with 2022 under a 1 percent increase.
Our Town Board updated our zoning code to promote responsible development. Grant funded Town Hall renovations have added ADA bathrooms, ramps, lighting. It’s now open five days a week after being closed Fridays for years. I negotiated fair police and highway contracts that ensure full time services and taxpayer savings.
The Tuxedo Farms Development. We need to work with Related and their team at Hart Howerton architects to redesign a project that integrates into our community, repopulates the TUFSD, expands the inventory of quality small homes, townhouses, and apartments while adding much needed amenities for all Tuxedo residents. Of course we must protect our environment, manage traffic and find a tax positive mix that supports public services.
Other races
There also are uncontested races on Tuesday’s ballot for Tuxedo Town Clerk, Town Justice and two seats on the Town Board.