Prof. Douglas C. Lovelace Jr. to answer protection from terrorism questions on WTBQ

| 16 Nov 2017 | 05:47

WARWICK — This Saturday morning at 10 a.m., Orange County Radio WTBQ (AM 1110/FM 93.5) will host a live interview with Prof. Douglas Lovelace Jr., the director of the Strategic Studies Institute.
The importance of this program is that Lovelace, an expert on the subject, will discuss and field questions about how we can protect ourselves from International and domestic terrorism.
The program will air on the popular music program hosted by his brother, Tom Lovelace, each Saturday morning.
Lovelace held the Douglas MacArthur Professor of Research Chair at the U.S. Army War College.
His Army career included a combat tour in Vietnam and a number of command and staff assignments.
And he collaborated in the development of documents such as the National Military Strategy, the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan, the Joint Military Net Assessment, national security directives and presidential decision directives.
Lovelace was also director of Military Requirements and Capabilities Management at the U.S. Army War College. He has published extensively in the areas of national security and military strategy formulation, future military requirements and strategic planning.
Listeners are encouraged to call 651-1110 with their questions during the broadcast.
- Roger Gavan