WTBQ’s fifth annual Toys for Military Tots Drive has begun. Help Santa deliver the new, unwrapped toys for children baby to 12 years old now through Monday, Dec. 14.
WTBQ Radio has once again teamed up with Orange County Executive, Steve Neuhaus; Pat Rooney, president of the Nam Knights; Amanda Dana, director of Orange County Tourism, Orane County Sheriff, Carl DuBois, Sue Dean of McKesson, Leo Kaytes Ford, Kevin Brand, The Computer Guy and many more.
In addition to toys, wrapping paper and ribbon would be appreciated.
The recipients are: Pete and Laura Rollins, representing the Children of OC Disabled American Vets, Master Sgt. Sara Pastorello, representing Children of Active and Reserves stationed at Stewart Air Force Base.
Drop off sites
In Monroe, at either the office of Supervisor Tony Cardone in Monroe Town Hall or at Nebrasky Plumbing & Heating.
In Warwick, at either WTBQ Radio, 79 Sanfordville Road, or Leo Kaytes Ford, 145 Route 94S.
In Goshen, at either the County Executive’s office in the Government Center or at the office of the Orange County Sheriff.
In Middletown, Orange Bank & Trust, 212 Dolson Ave.
For additional information email Taylor@wtbq.com.