M-W Rotarians raise $8,500 for the Salvation Army
Monroe. The club now turns its attention to its scholarship program and will host Designer Bag Bingo on Friday, Feb. 21, at First Presbyterian Church.

The Monroe-Woodbury Rotary Club continued its tradition this holiday season of supporting the Salvation Army’s bell ringing kettle campaign. They were able to raise $8,500 this year to support the Greater New York Salvation Army.
Rotarian Cliff Berchtold has been the bell ringing coordinator for many of the years that the club has been doing this work.
“Thanks to the efforts of our Rotarians, Monroe-Woodbury High School Interact students and other community volunteers, this year was one of our most successful in the four decades we have been ringing bells,” Berchtold said. “We have donated more than $230,000 since we started."
While the weather is always a challenge this time of year, bell ringers were comforted with the knowledge that their time will aid the programs of the Salvation Army in helping those in need. They collected donations at ShopRite, Stop and Shop and Walmart.
“We would also like to thank the community," Berchtold added, "for their continued generosity and support of this initiative."
The Rotary Club now shifts its focus to awarding scholarships to Monroe-Woodbury High School students. The club is holding Designer Bag Bingo this Friday, Feb. 21, at 7 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church at 142 Stage Road in Monroe. Proceeds will go to the Rotary Club's annual scholarship fund.
You can get more information or reserve seats by calling Elaine Smith at (845) 662-6253.