Hoovler delivers commencement address to George F. Baker’s Class of 2024
Tuxedo. The ceremony took place on June 27.
Tuxedo /
| 28 Jun 2024 | 07:46

OCDA David Hoovler speaks to the graduating class of George F. Baker High School in Tuxedo. (

The graduates celebrate the end of their high school careers.
On Thursday, June 27, Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler delivered the commencement address to the 2024 graduating class at George F Baker High School in Tuxedo. Hoovler urged the students to embrace leadership roles, accept and overcome challenges, and develop meaningful relationships in life.
“Our future will be defined by the accomplishments of our talented youth,” said District Attorney Hoovler. “High school graduation is a time of celebration, of reflection and of hope and excitement for the challenges ahead. I applaud the hard work of the graduating class of 2024, at George F Baker High School, and at all of the schools throughout Orange County.”