Cardone: Expect Monroe Town Board vacancy to be filled by February

| 16 Nov 2017 | 06:06

By Bob Quinn
— Monroe Supervisor-elect Tony Cardone expects the town board will fill the vacancy created by his election by February.
In an interview, Cardone said he expects that he, Town Board members Mike McGinn and Richard Colon and newly election councilwoman Mary Bingham will agree on the choice.
“We will make the decision as a board,” Cardone said.
Four years ago, the Monroe Town Board did not fill the vacancy created with then Councilman Harley E. Doles III was elected supervisor. The vacancy existed for months until Dennis McWatters was sworn in; he later won election to fill out the term.
In addition to the town board vacancy, the newly constituted Town Board will also be making appointments to the Town Planning Board with the election of Bingham to the town board and Audra Schwartz as Monroe Town Justice.
He also addressed the tenor of town board meetings.
“We have to get through November and December,” Cardone said. “I expect they will throw every thing at use.
"But we will be civilized and professional," he added. "We will show taxpayers and employees alike respect, leadership and peace.”
That, he said, would generate renewed interest for people to get involved.
Upcoming issues:During a telephone interview, Cardone outlined a number of issues before the town board:
The Town has taken delivery of a sweeper truck, paid with a $275,000 state grant obtained through the efforts of state Sen. William J. Larkin Jr. Cardone said Town Highway Superintendent John Scherne began the conversation with Larkin’s office back in March.
The sale or continued lease of Eitz Chaim for municipal offices.
The town will also look to complete repairs to the old Town Hall on Stage Road. Cardone said the town would offer the property to the Village of Monroe, which is also looking for additional space.
There also is a union contract to be negotiated.
Cardone also said the Town will negotiate with Kiryas Joel officials as part of the creation of the Town of Palm Tree, which will include the Village of Kiryas Joel, including the 164 acres acquired through annexation, plus another 56 acres, all north of the Quickway.
As things stand now, residents of the new town will elect officials in November 2019 and those officials will take office in January 2020.
There are efforts to accelerate that clock by one year.
Breaking down the vote Cardone received 6,418 votes, running with the support of United Monroe and the Monroe Republican Committee. He received 3,143 votes on the Republican line (48.21 percent) and 3,275 votes under the United Monroe banner (50.23 percent).
There also were 102 write-in votes (1.56 percent) for supervisor.
When he was elected to the Town Board in 2015, Cardone said he did not expect to be in politics for the long haul.
Reminded of that last week, Cardone said he viewed his election as supervisor as “trying to get things done. It was the right thing to do.”