A Fourth of July celebration returns to Monroe with a blast
Monroe. ‘We want to do these events,” Mayor Neil Dwyer said. ‘It’s been 20 months’ since COVID changed what normal means.

Clouds hung over the Village of Monroe on the morning of Friday, July 2 and the forecast called for rain and thunderstorms late into the evening.
Taking no chance, Monroe Mayor Neil Dwyer canceled that evening’s firework spectacular and the kickoff of outdoor dining.
By midafternoon, though, the clouds rescinded, and the sun shined through.
“It was 3 o’clock and sunny and I started to worry,” Dwyer said. “But right on que the skies opened up with rain and hail and I felt vindicated in my decision.”
The decision, then, was to reschedule for the following Friday, July 9, with Saturday held in abeyance should rain once again cancel Friday’s show.
“We want to do these events,” Dwyer said. “It’s been 20 months.”
With COVID-19 still a concerned for many, Dwyer took extra precaution by having police close additional roads to make sure social distancing was encouraged.
As the day approached Dwyer and his team of officials and residents were consistently checking the weather, hoping that they can gather around the Millponds and watch the fireworks reflect off the water as they have many times before.
Early evening on July 9th was humid and sunny, and crowds spread throughout the village, waiting for dusk to approach.
Some enjoyed playing lawn games, Some participated in outdoor dining, Some just stayed on blankets surrounded by family, but everyone relaxed as the sun began to set over the behind the gazebo and patriotic music began to play.
The first set of fireworks blasted off and everyone cheered. One could almost forget that this time last year looked very different. The sky lit up in brilliant flashes for about 20 minutes, engulfing the sky in color. The final bouquet of fireworks ended the show and drops of rain began to fall.
The rain held off just in time. To which the mayor quipped: “It was good all around.”
The firework spectacular was sponsored by the Village of Monroe, the Village of Harriman and the Town of Monroe.