Utility company donates $1.800

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:16

    Warwick-Orange and Rockland Utilities Inc.'s donation of $1,800 will help the Warwick Historical Society's efforts to restore and preserve more than 400 garments found in the closets and basements of the museum buildings, according to Michael Bertolini, the society's curator. The money will pay for mannequins used in any exhibitions of the clothing, building shelving and acquiring-acid free containers for permanent storage of the collection, which date from the 1820's to 1960's. The importance and value of the collection was established by Margaret Ordonez, director of Historic Textiles and Costume Collection at the University of Rhode Island, when she traveled to Warwick in 2002. The society's efforts were further encouraged by Cathryn Anders of Warwick, curator of Lyndhurst Castle in Tarrytown. But that recognition, however, also brought with it the realization that money would be needed to repair and restore the costumes. So the society appointed a committee, with Betty Hurd as its chair, to compile a detailed description of the clothing and miscellaneous items in the collection. As part of that effort, society Trustee Tom Frangos wrote and submitted the grant application to O&R. O&R contributes to organizations that benefit customers in the company's service territory through its Community Investment Program, which emphasizes educational, environmental and cultural programs. Chris Romas, application coordinator of the O&R Community Investment Program, presented the check to the society. Currently on display at the Baird Tavern is the "Summer Whites" exhibit. The work has just begun. Anyone interested in working on the collection is encouraged to leave a message for Betty Hurd at 986-3236 or send an e-mail to info@warwickhistoricsociety.org.