Tomas O'Leary to read as featured poet on March 19

Warwick Tomas O’Leary will be the Warwick Valley Poets’ featured reader at 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 19 at Utopian Direction, located at 7 West St., in Warwick. O’Leary’s books of poetry are “Fool at the Funeral,” “The Devil Take a Crooked House,” both from Lynx House Press, and “A Prayer for Everyone,” from Ilora Press. He is currently working on two new books, one of his own poems and the other his translations of the 19th century Cuban poet José Martí. In addition to writing, O’Leary also plays Irish accordion. The poet, who has a master’s in expressive therapies, has taught at Northeastern, UMass/Amherst, and North Adams State College. He now works with people who have Alzheimer’s. The reading and refreshments are free. An open reading will follow.