Paper Bag Players appear in 'Whoop-Dee-Doo” at SUNY Orange

Family fun through song, dance and craziness Middletown The Paper Bag Players will appear in “Whoop-Dee-Doo” at SUNY Orange on Sunday, Jan. 30 at 2 p.m. The shop spotlights best friends, old friends, heroic friends, and furry friends as the cast Ted Brackett, Laura Canty-Samuel, Amy Walsh, Kevin Richard Woodall, and composer/pianist John Stone introduces them through song and dance. Stone has composed some new pieces which he plays live. And the actors have created all new costumes, sets, and props for the play which is all about friends and friendships. Five skits cover topics such as paddling a canoe, fishing on the lake, catching a train, baking cookies, and a new puppy. Then, in “Paper Bag Boogie,” everyone including the audience, gets to dance. These all lead up to the grand finale “Whoop-Dee-Doo,” a most exciting game show. Tickets are $5 for children/students age three to nine; $8.25 for the general public; $7.25 for senior citizens/SUNY Orange alumni, faculty, staff; and free SUNY Orange credit students. Group rates are available.