Learn about Turtles
CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON-Meet four turtle species native to New York. Learn about their special adaptations, where they live, and where they go in the winter. Find out which of these species are threatened in New York State, and how citizens can help these populations recover. The Museum of the Hudson Highlands will offer this information, and more, in its "Terrific Turtles" program, to be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16, at the museum's Kenridge Farm location. The program includes a discussion and participatory activity, including a craft session in which children can make their own turtle to take home. The program is part of the museum's fall Saturday program series, a series of interactive educational programs about the science, natural history, and environment of the Hudson Highlands. Programs meet at the picnic area at Kenridge Farm, located on Rt. 9W in Cornwall. All ages are welcome. General admission is $3 for children, $5 for adults and for museum members, $2 for children and $3 for adults. For more information, call 534-5506 ext. 204, or visit the Museum website at: museumhudsonhighlands.org.