Keeping Warwick Green' premiers Tuesday at winery
The Town of Warwick will be holding the premiere showing of its new video entitled, "Keeping Warwick Green, Preserving Agriculture and Encouraging Sustainable Growth," on Tuesday, May 17. The 25-minute video is the result of a project undertaken by the Town and Village of Warwick and the Glynwood Center, an organization based in Cold Spring that helps communities find new and innovative ways to conserve their local culture and natural resources while strengthening their economic well-being. Warwick Supervisor Michael P. Sweeton, Councilman Leonard M. DeBuck and Warwick Conservancy President William L. Olsen, all recent graduates of the Glynwood Grange program, created the video as their group project. Additional funding for the project was provided by the Orange County Department of Planning and the Hudson River Valley Greenway. The video brings the viewer up-to-date on the progress made by the Town of Warwick since the production of the 1994 video entitled, "A Comprehensive Open Space Plan for Warwick" by Community 2000. Since then the Town of Warwick has put in place several planning tools to help preserve its rural character by protecting productive farmlands and creating incentives to have development transferred to and around already settled areas such as villages or hamlets. "Warwick is frequently looked to as a model in the Hudson Valley for sustainable development, protection of local agriculture, and open space preservation," said Olsen, the video's producer. "This video highlights the results of several years of hard work by numerous members of the Warwick community to put into place tools which will manage growth while preserving those aspects of Warwick which are so important to our residents." The premiere is open to the public, The showing will take place on Tuesday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Warwick Valley Winery, 114 Little York Road in Warwick.