I couldn’t help falling in love with Souza’s 'All Shook Up'

For three performances from July 26 to 28, the walls and floors of the Central Valley Elementary auditorium were rockin’ and rollin’ to the sights and sounds of the Souza Scholarship’s latest summer musical fund raiser, "All Shook Up," inspired by the music of Elvis Presley.
The more than 50 energetic cast members were supported in their performances by their talented director Dom Pascullo, dedicated choreographers Danielle Alifano and Gaby Mirasola, skillful stage manager Rocky Nardone, a hard-working stage crew and talented tech folks.
The production team and Souza volunteers provided a weekend of wonderful entertainment for three large and appreciative audiences, including a Sunday afternoon matinee, quite well-attended despite the heat in the hall.
According to longtime Souza Treasurer, Ronnee MacDonald who produced the show on behalf of the Souza Committee, the “box office” sold more than 700 tickets across the three shows.
“The students who appeared in this show made a point of thanking me and the Souza Committee for providing them with this rare and free ‘performing opportunity’ through the summer months,” MacDonald noted.
Veteran community theater performer and sometime Souza performer Al Snider greatly enjoyed the performance he attended.
“The future of performing arts was alive and well and living in the hearts and souls of the outstanding youth cast of the latest Souza production of 'All Shook Up' this past weekend at Central Valley Elementary School,” Snider raved. “I was privileged to attend the final dress rehearsal on Thursday evening. The cast was energized - enthusiastic - committed - and talented from the center of their broad smiles to the tips of their blue-suede shoes. This show was another outstanding production of the Robert W. Souza Scholarship Fund organization."
For more information about the Souza Scholarship organization or to contribute to the Fund, follow this link: www.souzafund.org.
Bob Curtis is the longtime chairman of the Souza Scholarship Committee.