Holiday gifts available from Tuxedo Historical Society

The 2010 Tuxedo Historical Society commemorative ornament features “Chastellux,” Tuxedo Park’s largest and one of its most elegant houses. The $20 purchase price benefits THS mission and projects. The society is also selling note cards of the “Tuxedo Legacy Mural,” unveiled in September, featuring original portraits of 14 individuals who influenced the history of the Town of Tuxedo. The full color cards were designed by Tuxedo Park resident Susanne Williams. The 10-card box is $15. These items and the newly published book, “Tuxedo Park: Lives, Legends, Legacies,” and other Tuxedo-related items and publications will be on sale at the society’s International Fair Trade Craft and Food Sale on Dec. 11 and 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 7 Hospital Rd. Call 351-2926 or e-mail to for more information.