Blanket project offers a cozy helping hand

| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:27

Florida - Parents and children, teachers and students all gathered on a recent Sunday morning, working together to make warm and cozy blankets they will distribute to agencies around the area for people in need. The setting was the social hall at Temple Beth Shalom in the Village of Florida and the family mitzvah (good deed) project united all ages in focus to help others. Congregants Sharon and Dave Halper initiated the project under the umbrella of the temple’s social action committee, which gets involved in issues locally and beyond. As the morning began, big stacks of fleece fabric awaited the blanket makers. Children chose their favorite colors and learned the steps in cutting fringe and tying knots to create these easy to make covers. They’ll provide warmth both literally and figuratively wherever they’re sent. So much fun and so meaningful was the project that one youngster, Lily Schwartz of Warwick, decided she wanted to dedicate herself to spending a year making them. She decided on the spot that this would be her mitzvah project for her upcoming bat mitzvah. In addition to studying the Torah and learning how to lead a religious service, each b’nai mitzvah candidate chooses a mitzvah project to work on for the year leading up to his or her bar or bat mitzvah. The project benefits the nearby or greater community. Lily can now look forward to a fuzzy and cozy year of blanket making, and as her parents suggested, perhaps some sleepover parties with friends focusing on blanket craft.