Support for "the People's Mayor,' Jim Purcell

| 15 Mar 2018 | 03:48

    It is time to thank our Mayor Jim Purcell for all he has done over the last four years to make Monroe a better place to live. I first met Jim Purcell four years ago when he was running for Mayor of Monroe. He presented his vision of what he wanted to do for the Village of Monroe.
    I thought that like most politicians it was all talk. How wrong I was.
    Jim explained how he wanted to bring back to Monroe a carnival, a carnival that had been stopped over 20 years ago. Jim believed it was time to give something back to the residents of Monroe whom he represents, something that would make their lives just a little more enjoyable.
    His idea grew into what we in Monroe now enjoy four days every year at our annual summer festival. A festival full of rides for kids of all ages, food to satisfy all tastes, fireworks and a live band concert.
    What the residents of Monroe do not know is that Mayor Jim Purcell did, and continues to do this, with out spending one dollar of taxpayer’s money.
    Jim used his knowledge of people and expertise gained over many years in industry, to accomplish this almost insurmountable task.
    Mayor Purcell was also instrumental in bringing to our village the annual summer band concerts enjoyed by all in our park, the Halloween Hay rides and our winter festival.
    Jim Purcell is a true people's mayor. Besides running an efficient administration, he cares deeply for the people he represents.
    That is why I support Jim Purcell in his bid for reelection as our Mayor and ask all of my fellow residents of Monroe to support our "People's Mayor Jim Purcell.”
    Neal Goldstein