Skoufis to DEC: 'It has become glaringly apparent to the region that the CPV Title V permit should be rejected'
The following is a copy of a letter that State Sen. James Skoufis sent July 12 to Christopher Hogan, NYS DEC - Division of Environmental Permits, in Albany:
Dear Mr. Hogan:
I write to you regarding the Title V permit for the CPV Valley Energy Center (CPV), the 630 megawatt power plant located in Orange County. Given the serious circumstances surrounding CPV, approving the current permit application for the plant would be completely inappropriate.
Since the initial indictment of CPV executive Peter Gailbraith Kelly and Joseph Percoco by the U.S. Attorney’s office, I requested answers to a number of issues raised in the criminal complaint from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in a letter dated May 3, 2017.
Despite numerous attempts to follow up, including at a hearing with the DEC Commissioner in January of this year, I continue to be stonewalled.
As Chairman of the Senate’s investigations committee, I am particularly alarmed at the criminal complaint’s assertion that a DEC official welcomed undue, external influence involving matters of public health and safety.
It has become glaringly apparent to the Hudson Valley region that the Title V permit should be rejected and, furthermore, all state permits withdrawn. My constituents expect the DEC’s permitting process to be driven exclusively by science and environmental expertise, not by political connections.
Additionally, they expect transparency and answers, not the stonewalling they and I have received over the years.
I thank you for your consideration as well as your service to our state, and look forward to seeing the necessary steps taken regarding the CPV plant, including the rejection of the pending Title V permit.
James Skoufis
State Senator, 39th District