Recognition and gratitude

| 09 Nov 2017 | 07:04

    I am excited and incredibly honored to have been elected Monroe Town Justice.
    There are so many people that I would like to thank and acknowledge.
    First, Bruce Robert Furbeck, I deeply admire and respect your commitment to our Town, not just as a former state trooper and volunteer firefighter, but for putting yourself forward as a candidate for office ready to serve our community, as you have for so many years.
    To everyone who helped me along the way, "thank you" just isn't enough. "Everyone" includes:
    Petition walkers that went house to house, day after day, in hot weather and obtained almost three times the signatures we needed;
    A phenomenal team of ladies that designed flyers and figured out how to get a decent photo of me;
    My FB page committee and all those that "liked" and "shared" and said such nice things;
    Crazy-good video gurus that convinced me that I could pull off a campaign video, made it look great and didn’t laugh at me as I stumbled over my words;
    Supporters that put signs on their lawns and helped get them in the ground all over town and kept them upright despite the weather;
    Letter writers willing to put themselves out there on my behalf;
    Volunteers that hung flyers on too many doors to count; all of the behind the scenes organizers;
    Friends that stood by my side, shaking hands, talking me up to anyone willing to listen;
    Friends that have been enthusiastic and motivating every step of the way; and
    My family for reminding me that life is an adventure and no challenge is too great.
    You all deserve far more recognition and gratitude than I could ever convey in this letter. I looking forward to faithfully serving you and the Monroe community.
    Audra Schwartz