Common sense

| 19 Oct 2017 | 02:49

    Honest. Genuine. Leader. Concerned.
    Just some of the words I personally think of when describing our current supervisor, David Sutz. His genuine concern for Woodbury is what got him into office two years ago.
    And he has only just begun.
    David has saved money for our town, trickling down to us, the residents, in our tax bills. All of the money saving tactics never affected the integrity of the programs.
    There is nothing more valuable than someone who is truly honest in his role. Having no agenda, David has sacrificed his own business to be in town representing us, doing things that make our town great.
    As a concerned resident who has spoken with David on many occasions, I have received honest information, answers and feedback.
    I am a strong advocate of our animal shelter. David was instrumental in working with animal control in launching the voucher program in town in conjunction with the mobile pet clinic. It has allowed the shelter to manage stray/ferals in our community, keeping population levels low while also adopting out most of the cats/kittens that were socialized into new homes.
    I consider David, along with Sandy Capriglione and Robert Hunter my friends. I have known them for some time, and couldn’t be more blessed to watch them run for positions here in Woodbury that I know they will continue to do amazing things in. While I am part of the committee in town, this letter is being written on a personal level and nothing more. It’s Common Sense.
    Samantha Armstrong
    Highland Mills