Audra Schwartz for Monroe Town Justice

| 12 Oct 2017 | 05:41

    I was introduced to Audra Schwartz in 2007 when our sons were on the same travel soccer team. We had much in common and became fast friends as we travelled every weekend with our families.
    We both believed in community and did our best to get involved; me in Girl Scouts and on the Town Planning Board and her as a member of the Town’s Conservation Commission. She then replaced me when I resigned from the Planning Board.
    Audra is now the Planning Board Chair, our sons are in college and we are still best friends. Why? Because I appreciate the value of integrity, fellowship and community and Audra Schwartz espouses all three.
    Audra is running for Town Justice and the people of Monroe need her more than ever. Her honest, sincere dedication to this town is founded in the root that she is raising her family here, that she has a community of friends here that she cares deeply for, and that she is committed to making Monroe a better place. Add to all this her legal background – and there is no better candidate.
    Vote for Audra Schwartz, a lawyer, a mom, a community activist and a friend.
    Alicia Vaccaro