A love letter to the vipers

| 30 Oct 2023 | 11:43

    A person who attempts to hurt another individual for their own personal gain is cruel. There is a special place in hell for you, and you will not be forgiven. I do not understand how slander and baseless claims are acceptable. Why do we allow others to hurt people for their own benefit? It’s obvious that the aggressors are weak and threatened by the stronger character. When these barrage of attacks are made, please take the time to evaluate the source and their malice. Character counts, and cruelty is unacceptable. As the old timers always said, it’s “the village of untruth and jealousy.”

    Welcome to election time when people feel threatened and will weaponize anything to try to hurt those that they are threatened by. True colors and extreme acts are abound. And to those that feign innocent by allowing others to cast the stones on their behalf, you are just as guilty. If you were sorry for the wrongs, you would denounce the offenders. Your silence is heard loud and clear.

    But the adult temper tantrums rage on — grasping at fragments of truth because their arguments have no substance. I’m sorry for anyone in the past, now, and in the future that have to endure the bitter wrath of fraudulent media and twisted individuals that create lies for a political agenda. I remind you all that this is America and not communist Russia. Please use your brain and don’t fall victim to the powers at play that are trying to manipulate you.

    I vow to always serve for the greater good rather than personal gain. It is sad that this is not the case for many people around us. I am disgusted by the self serving lies and manipulation.

    Is it November 8 yet?

    Alyssa Werner
