A letter to our Congressman

| 18 Feb 2014 | 04:12

    (This is a letter sent to our elected local Congressman. I wonder if I will receive a response.)

    Dear Congressman Maloney,
    I voted for you. I would like to know why you have not attended town/county meetings nor offered to support to the people residing in Orange and Sullivan counties regarding the blatant corruption going on in our in local town governments and the huge and fraudulent land purchases made by Kiryas Joel.

    I have lived in Monroe nearly all of my life and have seen and have been a part of many changes. I raised my family here. My first grandchild will be born in September and I look forward to being able to take him/her to the very same places here that I love and my children love. I love my town for it's rural quality - the beautiful lakes, the small town stores, the friendliness of our town merchants - to name a few. Monroe-Woodbury schools have an outstanding reputation as well, which has drawn many families to our area.

    The Village of Kiryas Joel wants to annex more than 500 acres of property and wants sole lead agency in doing so. As it is, Monroe is nearing capacity with water, sewer and traffic. High density housing, which is what will take place if the annexation goes through, will not only negatively impact water, sewer, and traffic, but will raise our taxes to the point where no one will be able to afford to live here.

    We have a large movement of people that is against this annexation for all of the right reasons. We want to maintain the rural beauty of our town. We know that we cannot accommodate the huge increase in population that will be using our water and sewer supplies. Our school district will not be able to accommodate the large influx of children that they will be monetarily responsible for - particularly children with special needs. The M-W School District is currently petitioning to have lead agency as it would be greatly affected by this annexation.

    Even though we are proceeding with our stand against this annexation for all logical and ecologically minded reasons, we are now being publicly bashed by an attorney representing the Village of Kiryas Joel named Steven Barshov. He is playing the anti-Semitism card. I resent this. I have had contact with positive feedback with the NYCLU regarding the corrupt measures being taken by the parties pushing the annexation and the false accusations being made to make us (concerned citizens against this annexation) appear to be hateful human beings. This is a bullying tactic and needs to be stopped.

    We have support from Orange County Legislators Mike Anagnostakis and Myrna Kemnitz and from James Skoufis, New York State Assembly. Your web site states that you and your staff are available to assist folks from the Hudson Valley. Our plight has been highly publicized and it involves not only Orange County, but Rockland and Sullivan counties as well.

    Why haven't we heard anything from you?

    Susan Pendergast