Woodbury's 2011 town budget increases spending by 1.01 percent

| 22 Feb 2012 | 03:11

Town may refrain from filling vacancies in the coming year to save money Highland Mills - The Town of Woodbury’s 2011 budget totals $14,701,248, an increase of 1.01 percent from 2010 spending. The amount to be raised by taxes totals $10,474,863, an increase of $322,918. According to information provided by Supervisor John Burke and Town of Woodbury Budget Officer Lorelei A. Pitt, the owner of a home assessed at $160,000 will see an increase of about $54 in his or her estimated annual tax bill. Burke said the major budget changes were due to the increase of contributions to the state retirement system, a 15.5 percent increase in health insurance, an increase in worker’s compensation and a reduction in revenues from mortgage taxes. Budget decreases are due to a reduction in overall debt and refuse costs. Money used from the fund balances helped to reduce the amount to be raised from taxes, Burke added. Staffing levels remain the same. Burke noted, however, that while layoffs are not anticipated in the coming year, the town will review each vacancy to determine whether it needs to be filled. “Not all of them will be,” he said. Budget information Special Lighting District: $130,000. The tax rate for this district is $.21 per $1,000 assessed valuation or $33.60 for a house assessed at $160,000. The Refuse District: $851,965. The charge per home is $279.90, which represents a decrease of $46.43 from last year, or a 14.23 percent decrease in the tax rate. The Woodbury Library: $593,160. The tax rate for this district is $.91 per $1,000 assessed valuation or $145.60 for a house assessed at $160,000. The tax rates for all the special water districts in the Town of Woodbury have decreased due to the reduction in debt. The tax rate for the Consolidated Sewer District will be less than one percent increase. The Police tax rate will increase less than 5.83 percent. The Highway tax rate will decrease approximately 9.95 percent. The information summarized above represents the Town portion of the tax bill. The County tax portion has not been determined. Burke also noted that the town board has continued to budget for annual audits, that the town will continue to maintain its road improvement program and, come summer, Woodbury residents will be able to enjoy complete recreational programs at the Reservoir and Central Valley Pool.