Wildcat girls support Our Mother's Cupboard

| 22 Feb 2012 | 04:39

Monroe — The U-13 M-W Wildcats Soccer Team recently visited Our Mother’s Cupboard, based in the basement of Sacred Heart Chapel in Monroe, bringing a large variety of items to help mothers of babies and toddlers in need. The team brought diapers, wipes, baby powder, shampoos, clothing and other items to fill the cupboard. The cupboard, facilitated by Susana Rodriguez, is part of Sacred Heart’s Parish Outreach program that distributes approximately 600 diapers, 50 bottles of formula, 50 packages of wipes and 100 jars of baby food on a weekly basis since it opened nearly one year ago. The Wildcat team visited neighborhoods on two consecutive Sundays in December to collect items left by residents on their porches and stoops for the cupboard. Individuals or groups who wish to contribute in this community effort should call 783-7840.