Sugar Loaf e-newsletter wins national award

Sugar Loaf In existence for little more than a year, the Sugar Loaf Times has won the Apex Award for Publication Excellence. The e-newsletter, launched last spring by the Sugar Loaf Community Foundation, covers the people and happenings in the small arts and crafts village. The winning entry was the newsletter’s third issue, which highlighted the holiday season in the hamlet. In its 22nd year, the APEX awards are judged on “excellence in graphic design, editorial content and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence.” There were 3,700 entries in 127 categories, with more than 400 newsletters submitted. The Sugar Loaf Times won in the category of e-newsletters. The APEX awards are sponsored by the editors of Writing that Works, the Business Communications Report. “Winning the Apex Award for Publication Excellence is a significant achievement for the Sugar Loaf Times, particularly since the award draws thousands of competitors from around the country, many of them large, long-standing publications,” said editor Shary Denes. Sugar Loaf Community Foundation President Paul Ellis said, “The Sugar Loaf Times is a well-written, well-crafted publication, and we are very proud of our newsletter and our members who work so hard to put it together. The newsletter helps further the foundation’s mission by getting the word out about Sugar Loaf.” To receive the Sugar Loaf Times, contact the editor at