Monroe's tentative 2011 town budget increases by 21 percent over current spending
MONROE - The Town of Monroe’s tentative budget for 2011 is $7.5 million, which would represent an increase of 21.4 percent over current spending. The amount to be raised by taxes is $4,200,495. The major reason for the increase is the decline in revenues from the sales and mortgage tax. Town officials said it is due to the drop in home sales. Other reasons include health insurance and retirement plan expenditures and an additional staff in the assessors office due to the ongoing Data Collection process with the county. A resident with a home in the Village of Monroe assessed at $75,000 would pay $538.06, a 15.1 percent increase that would translate into $70.66. A homeowner in the town, outside the village, also assessed at $75,000, would pay $1,223.51, a change of $200, or 19.5 percent increase. The Monroe Free Library’s $1,163,825 budget is an increase of $66,656. The town collects the money for the library, but has no say in library’s spending plan. There are no salary increases earmarked for town employees and many areas of the budget have been reduced. Have your say Town of Monroe residents will be able to comment on the tentative figures at a public hearing Thursday, Nov. 4, at 7 p.m. in the Monroe Senior Center on Mine Road.