Monroe man writes children's book focusing on the loss of a pet

MONROE - A Monroe man has written a new children’s book focusing on dealing with the loss of a pet. Ronen Divon’s book, “Daddy Fixes Everything,” is a story of family of four and their parents as they cope with the death of their pet hamster. “Pets, be it a dog, a cat, a parrot or a hamster, to name just a few, become part of our family,” he said. “Most of all, it is difficult to see the effect such an event has on children. For them, the concept of death is an abstract and, often, it is the first time they find themselves facing death.” Divon is donating 10 percent of all profits from this book to area animal shelters or to an event conducted to support any specific shelter. The story begins in a very light- hearted tone, introducing a father who is ever-busy fixing broken toys and household sundries, while surrounded by his children’s commotion, he said. But one day, one of his children discovers the pet hamster is not moving. She assumes that her father, who can fix just about anything, can “fix” the hamster. She later learns he cannot “fix” the animal and bring it back to life. The story then takes a different tone when the family - particularly the children - must come to terms with the passing away of their pet, according to the author, including the first-time experience of facing death and its emotional ramifications. Divon said the book attempts to provide children and their parents with tools to cope while explaining death and departure in realistic terms and in age-appropriate language. “’Daddy Fixes Everything’ introduces different beliefs and philosophies without being religious,” Divon added. “It allows for different opinions about the great beyond. Furthermore, it does so while providing practical comfort through suggested use of sense-memory.” The book is available online at and at online bookstores.