Monroe Brownie Girl Scout ice cream social has community service flair

| 22 Feb 2012 | 04:52

Monroe — Cadette Troop 502 hosted a “pajama party” ice cream social on Jan. 29 for members of the Monroe Brownie Girl Scout community at Pine Tree Elementary, And, the event had a community service perspective to it as well. Girls crafted hundreds of handmade valentines which have been mailed to military personnel overseas. They also brought non-perishable food items for area food pantries. And with a “Guess How Many Tootsie Rolls are in the Bowl” raffle, they raised almost $100 which was donated to a local animal shelter. Daniella Ruotolo of Brownie Troop 585 guessed the exact number of Tootsie Rolls in the jar - 502. Second-place winner Emily Harwood of Brownie Troop 704 guessed was 500. With 16 troops in attendance — translating into 140 girls, that meant a lot of ice cream was needed. Organizers said 18 gallons of ice cream, along with all the fixings, was consumed. The Cadettes also baked brownies so the “Brownie Scouts” could enjoy them in their ice cream sundaes. The girls made iPods using Sweetheart candy boxes with Hershey kisses for ear plugs and played games during the afternoon. The planning and hosting of the event was part of Troop 502’s Silver Award work. The Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn.