Woodbury Historical Society announces 2025 calendar
Woodbury. It will feature railroads in Woodbury.

The Woodbury Historical Society of Highland Mills has released its new 2025 calendar, featuring the story of railroads in Woodbury.
“Our new calendar details before and after pictures from our rich archives accompanied with the story of rail transportation in our town, from when trains first operated here in 1869 to the present,” explained Woodbury Historical Society President Alex Prizgintas. “What is more exciting is that our calendar was designed by members of the historical society and printed by Purple Goat Graphics here in Central Valley. The planning and publishing has been in-house as a community effort. It’s our story and I’m excited to know that our members are actively involved in preserving our history.”
Prizgintas said they have already started planning for next year’s calendar. “The last time our organization helped produce a calendar was for our town’s centennial in 1989. Our goal is to produce not only a calendar each year, but to make these calendars historical documents that will readily preserve our history.”
Calendars are now available for $15 at the Woodbury Historical Society, which is open Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m., Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the historic Rushmore Memorial Library building at 543 Route 32, Highland Mills. They will also be available at this year’s Legacy Toy Train Show on Sunday, December 1 from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Town of Woodbury Senior Center and at Jay’s Deli in Highland Mills. To reserve your copy today, call 845-928-6770 or email woodbury1889@optonline.net.