Town celebrates multiple grant wins
Monroe. Money will go toward much-needed culvert repairs and records management.

The New York State Bridge New York funding program awarded a $1.1 million grant to the town of Monroe for improvements to the culvert on East Mombasha Road. The news was shared during the July 15 Monroe Town Board meeting, where Supervisor Tony Cardone noted that the town received an additional $50,000 grant through Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R-98).
Commented on the Bridge New York grant, Cardone said, “It’s great to see because we didn’t know where we were going to be getting the money to fix that culvert. We would have had to shut down East Mombasha not only for the construction but prior to because that’s how bad that bridge is becoming.”
In addition, the town was awarded a $74,245 grant for records management. Cardone thanked town clerk Valerie Bitzer for her efforts in securing the funding.
Zoning change request
During the meeting, the board entertained a petition for a zoning change to allow for retail business on a certain portion of Larkin Drive. The representative for the applicant requesting the change explained that his client, who owns a 95-acre parcel on Larkin Drive, is looking to convert about 10 acres of that land from light industrial to heavy industrial use, where retail is permitted. He explained that the plan would be to build a mix of food and shopping retail comparable to Outback Steakhouse, Home Depot and Target. No comments were received during the public hearing, which the board decided to continue at the next meeting.
The town board approved new sewage system revisions to the town code at the meeting, finishing up what Councilwoman Mary Bingham said was a long process involving the town attorney and town engineer. The councilwoman informed residents that the intent of the law is to ensure the town can manage its limited sewer capacity, preserve local waters, and protect public health and safety.
In other matters of preservation, the board discussed the process of creating a community preservation plan and the best course for pursuing funding. The board authorized Bonnie Franson, chairwoman of the Monroe Town Planning Board, to pursue possible grants with Millennium Strategies. In addition, the town appointed Christopher Shaw to the Town of Monroe Conservation Commission.
Other business
The board also named Edwin Morales as supervisor of transportation (Dial-A-Ride), effective June 24.
Efforts to ensure seniors continue to receive discounted garbage services were addressed at the meeting. With the town’s current garbage company, Marangi Garbage, being sold to Interstate Waste Services, the board, along with representatives from Marangi, discussed ways to guarantee the senior discount is protected.
Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article may have unintentionally suggested that Millennium Strategies was responsible for the records management grant. The firm was not involved in that particular grant funding. This article has been updated accordingly.