Monroe Temple’s Torah School details return to school plans
Monroe. The school has three scenarios in place.

As schools throughout the region continue to finalize their reentry plans, Monroe Temple’s Torah School is equally looking at option.
The Hebrew school has three scenarios in place for fall season:
Option 1: Virtual only. Teachers will continue the online instruction they had prepared at the end of the last school year, if necessary.
Option 2: In-person only. After measuring each classroom and based on the size of current classes, school officials said they can safely meet in classrooms. The plan is to measure out mandated spacing between desks/students and mark the floors accordingly. Staff will remove all extra chairs from the classrooms and put them in storage. The rabbi can continue to offer services/song sessions with the children in the sanctuary, but with only half the school at a time.
Option 3: Hybrid. If parents choose not to bring their children to the temple for class, or the child is sick, they can connect virtually. Staff will provide each classroom with a tablet or laptop with assistance to setup and monitor streamed lessons. Teachers would teach children in the classroom and at homes concurrently.
‘We are grateful to have the space’
“Monroe Temple Beth-El, which has been a warm and welcoming part of our community for over 75 years, has also been considering what reopening will look like for our students,” said Laura Greco, Torah school principal. “There are so many things to take into consideration to provide a safe learning environment. We are grateful to have the space needed to properly and safely accommodate our students and any new families who want their children to join us for their Jewish education.”
If in-person instruction is allowed to take place, only one parent is allowed in the building with each family. Each child and parent will have their temperature taken prior to entering the building. Only one entrance will be used to control flow and prevent large gatherings.
Additionally, a COVID-19 plan/explanation sheet will be distributed with regular Torah school information packet and children will be mandated to wear masks to participate in person. All CDC guidelines and state guidelines and mandates will be followed.
“We realize that the unknown is difficult,” Greco said, “but we are prepared for any scenario and will bring a safe and strong Torah school education to your children.”
For additional information, email Greco at or call 783-2626.
- Nancy Kriz